An Ecological Research on Ciliates (Eukarya, Ciliophora) in Van Bostaniçi Pond

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  • İSMAİL YILDIZ Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi



Bostaiçi Pond, Ecology, Ciliate, Türkiye


This study was carried out on the ciliates observed during 14 months of sampling from 4 stations in Van-Bostaniçi Pond. Ciliate species diversity and densities in the samples were determined. During the sampling period, various physical and chemical analyses such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, electrical conductivity values in the field, biochemical oxygen demand, suspended solids, ammonium nitrogen, nitrate silica, phosphorus and hardness were carried out in the laboratory.

Forty-two ciliate species classified in the classes Hetreotrichea, Spirotrichea, Litostomatea, Phyllopharyngea, Nassophorea, Colpodea, Protomatea and Oligohymenophorea and their feeding types were determined. No significant correlation was found between the distribution of the species and the measured physical and chemical parameters and it was concluded that these parameters are not definite limiting factors on the distribution of ciliates between the determined values. It was concluded that seasonal changes in ciliate densities may be caused by changes in food sources and predation pressure.


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How to Cite

YILDIZ, İSMAİL. (2024). An Ecological Research on Ciliates (Eukarya, Ciliophora) in Van Bostaniçi Pond . International Journal of Medicine and Occupational Health and Safety Sciences, 2(1).


